Why Brains Do Not Exist


Word count:13969

[Music] brains do not exist and if you're like most people operating under the materialist paradigm this is the problem because you believe that brains are real and for you the notion of a brain is actually a secret metaphysical postulate which makes it really difficult for you to do some of the advanced work that we need to be doing together consciousness work non-duality work and so on because you're really stuck on this idea that there is such a thing as a brain and that all of this that you see around you that's happening around you all of reality you think that's happening inside of the brain if you're a materialist and this is a really big problem because at least are a lot of confusion at least or a lot of closed - when it comes to listening to advanced teachings to try and wrap your mind around how reality really works the deepest levels you can't do it because this belief is operating under the surface in the background without you being aware of it and how do I know this because I was a materialist for my entire life pretty much until recently and I've had to work for a long long time to extract this paradigm this framework of beliefs it's an entire framework of beliefs from my own mind because really what it is is it's a mind virus it's a virus that was implanted into your mind you never seriously thought about it until today and and you just saw the whole world through that lens well what I want to show you here is I want to show you an alternative paradigm an alternative way to look at the world so we are gonna talk about some really deep metaphysical stuff here which I've covered in the past in certain ways but there's gonna be a lot more nuance here specifically designed to help you to overcome this idea that you are brain or that everything that you experience is happening with neurons in your brain this is a silly and absurd notion I'm gonna take you through the logic of why it's absurd why it doesn't hold water it makes no sense whatsoever it contradicts itself and it limits you in some very important ways so I've shot a couple of episodes in the past one called a ramped against naive realism and another one called understanding paradigms both of those are gonna be critical to what we're gonna be talking about here today naive realism otherwise known as materialism otherwise known as physicalism otherwise known as the default position that most scientifically minded rationally minded and atheistic lis minded people take these days that's what I ranted against in the 90 realism episode and paradigms are going to be very important because a paradigm is this framework of beliefs which prevents you from seeing alternatives outside of that so we're gonna get into all that in a lot of juicy detail so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna roleplay I am going to basically be answering objections throughout this entire episode that a materialist might pose to me about this issue and this notion of there not being brains because on the surface it sounds like an absurd claim to make it's like Leo how can you claim that there are no brains this is ridiculous are you being serious are you just being cute are you just being metaphorical like what are you talking about how can you say there's no brains well no I'm not being metaphorical I'm being very literal what I'm saying is that everything you're experiencing and have ever experienced has never took in place in a brain and we're gonna dig really deeply into that but I'm going to bring up a lot of objections here from the materialist paradigm and I'm going to be answering all of those here in a lot of detail so let's begin the way we begin is with the following objection if a materialist listens to stuff that I talk about for any length of time then inevitably he will come up with the following objection Leo isn't enlightenment in all this other spiritual stuff that you talk about and all your psychedelic trips aren't all those just first-person experiences and if that's true then doesn't that mean that they're not objective and they're not scientific after all we know that the brain is capable of hallucinating all sorts of things we have clinical evidence of very weird brain case studies where people Huson ate stuff we have insane asylums filled with schizophrenic sand psychotics and also people who hallucinate all sorts of crazy stuff and they live in their own private universes so doesn't that show us that we can't really trust first-person experience which is why we need to rely on good old-fashioned science because science goes for the hard objective facts where as what you're talking about all your mystical experiences and all your non-dual experiences and any experiences you might think you've had about a god or about anything like that that all of those are really just anecdotal evidence so why would we rely on anecdotal evidence to develop our worldview shouldn't we be very skeptical of anecdotal evidence and so therefore in conclusion lay out all of spirituality everything you talk about is just stuff that's happening inside your brain so no matter what you think you're accomplishing with your meditation or no matter what you think you're accomplishing with psychedelics or what you think you're accomplishing with contemplation all of that in the end is just happening in the brain and when your brain gets destroyed that's it that's the end of it you're dead and so there you go and what you hallucinate there well who really cares is that really gonna improve my life in any way all these hallucinations that you talk about but not so fast you see there's a really big problem with this whole chain of materialist reasoning is that the materialist hasn't really examined his or her own implicit metaphysics that are being brought to the table see you're taking for granted that there is such a thing as a brain and you're taking for granted that there is such a thing as a physical external reality you're taking a lot of these things for granted in your worldview and that's understandable because that's part of your culture and you really can't help it but if you just probe the logic of your metaphysics a little bit deeper you'll see that it's just Payton Lee absurd so consider the possibility that actually is no brain no brain but Leo that's crazy after all we can take a skull we can take a human cadaver we can cut open the skull and we will see a brain inside do you deny that we'll see a brain inside are you crazy here's where you have to really be careful about your metaphysics of course if we cut open a skull we will see some pink squishy substance inside that we generally call a brain but really think this through because what are you seeing there you're having an experience of some pink fleshy substance but does that mean that that's actually the metaphysical brain that you believe in that's the important issue that's not being addressed here we both agree that if you cut open the skull you're gonna see some pink squishy substance but your notion of a brain involves a lot more than merely an appearance of a pink fleshy substance the appearance is there the problem is that when you speak of things such as brains and neurons and atoms do you realize what you're speaking about you'd like to speak about these things as though they're objective third-person phenomena but really these things our first-person appearances and more than that they're actually concepts concepts which ultimately boil down to sensations that you're having either right now or that you've had in the past and in fact any sensations you've had in the past the only way that you could access them now or know about them is because you're reliving them right now in this moment so here's what's really going on with the metaphysics we cut open the skull the skull itself is an appearance a first-person appearance you see we use let's say a knife to cut open the skull that knife is also a first-person appearance the skull is cut open we see a pink fleshy substance inside that's also a first-person appearance now the deeper question is where our first-person appearances occurring now notice the problem you run into here you run run into a problem of circularity because you can't say that the pink squishy substance is occurring inside of a brain because what you call a brain is the pink squishy substance so when you're looking at a brain where is that pink squishy substance that's an appearance first-person appearance where is that occurring now of course the materialists will say in my brain of course leo in my brain no you don't understand the depth of this problem yet even if we cut open your brain and give you a mirror to look at your own brain you will see your own pink fleshy substance but again where is that occurring in another brain you see for the materialists the notion of a brain is not merely the appearance of a pink fleshy substance it's something that sits behind appearances it's a metaphysical substrate that has never been actually experienced by anyone has never been proven by science to exist but it's assumed that is there it's assumed that our first-person experiences are occurring in this organ or this thing this physical object somewhere behind the scenes and that all our appearances are coming from it are being generated by it and occur inside of it but then the question is what is this it of which you're talking about where is it occurring you see you got to sort of think this through notice that the only thing you have of reality is first-person experiences there is nothing else literally notice this this is not a speculation this is not a philosophical argument this is just a brute fact of your life please notice this all science is predicated upon first-person experience because that's the only thing there is there is nothing else but what science does because the mind is a tricky Beast is science takes this domain of first-person experiences and it creates a conceptual distinction within this domain in it okay yeah we have the first-person subjective experiences but then we also are going to create a section within that which we're gonna call third-person objective and what does that really mean let's think this through what technically a scientist means when they speak of third-person objective facts is they mean the following thing that if we take a group of people a group of like-minded beings and we are able to query them about some fact like let's say we can ask them a question like do you see that tree over there and we ask 10 people and all those 10 people say yes I see a tree over there then what the scientists will say is ok so then that we're gonna classify that as a third person objective fact but notice what is quickly forgotten in that process is that what's forgotten is that this entire thing this entire process this entire scientific method is occurring within first-person experience and it can never be anything other than that so that tree that bird all the 10 people that you queried plus yourself plus the environment in which all this is occurring plus the physical universe all of that is first-person experience that's all there is and any notions of a third-person objective domain has to be couched within the first-person subjective always and so in a very real sense the third-person objective even though we tend to think of it as having more reality than the first-person subjective actually that's completely backwards because the third-person is conceptual in nature and therefore actually it has less reality than subjective experiences are you getting this what the materialist doesn't understand is that everything objective is actually subjective and that there is no such thing as objective in fact the notion of an objective anything is absurd it collapses it doesn't make sense it's a self-defeating metaphysics what you can have is you can have subjective things you cannot have objective things you can create the illusion of objectivity by gathering a consensus which is what science does it gathers a consensus now of course don't take that as me saying that science is relative in the sense that you can just make up whatever kind of science you want no you can't because you need to gather a legitimate consensus among people and there's only certain kinds of things that people will consent to if there's a tree out there and I point to and someone sees it and I say do you see that tree and they say they're not gonna say no I mean they'd be lying if they said no so you're not gonna be able to gather a consensus amongst a bunch of people for example that the Sun doesn't exist it's not possible to gather such consensus but nevertheless you have to recognize what that gathering of consensus is that's a that's a conceptual Enterprise and it's nevertheless occurring within your subjective experience which leads us to the really big point which is that there is ZERO empirical evidence for an external world not only is there no brain but there is no external world so the materialist not only believes in a brain but also believes in a universe an objective external universe which in within which the brain is occurring and happening and we're at everything is basically being generated from so what we've got is we've got a bunch of first-person experiences and appearances and for the materialist these appearances need to be explained by something so his strategy for explaining it is not sighting God or the Flying Spaghetti Monster but rather sighting an external world even though there is no evidence for such a world science has never demonstrated an external world and it never will not even in theory because the idea is preposterous because the only thing you can ever have our first-person experiences so how can you prove an external world see as a materialist you criticize my mystical experiences as just being anecdotal evidence but what you're failing to grasp is that everything is anecdotal evidence existence itself is anecdotal and what that means is that the only reason you feel and believe that you exist or anything at all exists is by anecdote because you exist you believe you exist if you didn't exist there would be no possibility of talking about existence the physical universe is anecdotal as well people don't grasp the significance of what's being said here I'm not merely saying that you need to be born in order to say that you exist I'm saying something much deeper than that what I'm saying is is that your critique that mystical experiences don't count because they're not objective and because our anecdotal neglects to understand that you are taking many things for granted about reality which are anecdotal and the only reason you believe them and hold them as solid is because they're anecdotal but you ignore the fact very conveniently that they are anecdotal because you've told yourself that actually no they're not anecdotal they're just reality see what you've done is you've taken a concept out of that concept you've fashioned an external reality where there are brains and atoms and molecules and neurons and all the sort of stuff and then you've conveniently told yourself that none of that is a concept that is actually reality and that is a trick you've played on yourself because while you're engaged in that process you're not being conscious of the fact that all of that is occurring within first-person experiences so what I mean by the existence being anecdotal is that unless you had a first-person experience of life you would not be able to hold as real existence life science rationality the universe skepticism none of the things that you subscribe to as a materialist would have any justification or grounding or evidence whatsoever unless you had a first-person experience of yourself existing you see everything absolutely everything hinges on that the existence of the BIGBANG hinges on you existing that's what I'm saying you don't depend on the Big Bang the Big Bang depends on you that's a big paradigm shift that's taking materialism and flipping it upside down and a lot of people have a hard time wrapping their mind around that one because a pretty big mind [ __ ] and the reason that is because most people take all this metaphysical stuff for granted and in fact when you bring up conversations of metaphysics to them they will say oh metaphysics that's some philosophical nonsense I don't care about metaphysics Leah I don't do metaphysics or they might even say if they're scientists they might say Leo science doesn't deal in metaphysics we've abandoned that centuries ago that's for the philosophers and theologians we don't care about that nonsense what we care about is the hard objective facts but you see the belief that there are hard objective facts that's a metaphysical claim you can't avoid metaphysics if you don't do metaphysics what that means is that you will have a de facto sloppy very deeply confused metaphysics which is what most people have including very intelligent people including atheistic people including rational people including the most scientific people including people with PhDs including people who are big-name professors who have written many books who have gotten Nobel Prizes generally they still don't grasp the significance of some of these metaphysical assumptions that all human beings make these are just implicit you pick them up from your culture and our culture if you're raised in modern civilized society is just completely permeated by materialism utterly so utterly that it's worse than religious indoctrination because with religious indoctrination at least you're aware of other religions if you're a Muslim you know about Christianity you know about Judaism and if you're a Christian you know about other religions you know about Buddhism and you know about Mormonism and so on you don't believe they're right you believe you're right but at least you're open to those and you generally believe that yeah you could be indoctrinated into some kind of religious cult but see when you grow up in the materialist paradigm of modern culture modern society nobody tells you it's a paradigm nobody tells you that you could get indoctrinated into it and that that's exactly what happens is that you're indoctrinated into it you're not given any other alternative and if you even dare to speak out of any other possibility you will get mocked and criticized and actually even called crazy as though you're just denying reality see this is um this is the tragedy of modern culture it's not nearly as advanced as it thinks it is what I'm saying here is that I'm saying that reality is a hallucination and I mean that very literally that everything you're seeing and experiencing right now including my voice including my face including my body is a hallucination and that there's nothing beyond hallucinations there are only hallucinations why do I use the word hallucination I actually use it very deliberately because if you go to a dictionary you look up the word hallucination here's what it'll say a hallucination is a appearance or a perception without substance that's literally the definition of hallucination and that's exactly what we have is we have appearances first-person appearances and nothing else no brains behind the scenes no hard physical matter behind the scenes there are no physical laws behind the scenes there's no mathematical equations behind the scenes there's nothing behind the scenes it's just a hallucination but of course people have a hard time buying this because what they've done is they have well they have a silly notion of hallucination so when I say hallucination they imagine that oh well Leo a hallucination has something like a dream or a nightmare or some wacky crazy thing that you imagine dancing elves and unicorns those could be hallucinations but not this leo this is not a hallucination what are you talking about this is real this is hard stuff how could this be a hallucination look at how lawful it is it's all physical I mean are you saying I can just jump through a wall if all this is a hole in it hallucination why can't I just jump through a wall why can't I just fly why can't I break the laws of physics why can't I manifest unicorns just by thinking about them but see that's a very naive and silly notion of what a hallucination is hallucination has nothing to do with that there are different kinds of loosin ations you could have crazy wacky outlandish hallucinations where you're flying through walls or you could have loose Nations where the wall is solid and you can't fly through it you can innate that if you hit your head against the wall you're gonna crack your skull open and die and that's what will happen in that hallucination the hallucinations can have infinite properties some of them can be crazy like certain dreams that you've had and some of them can be very down-to-earth and realistic and solid-looking which is what we tend to call ordinary physical reality and of course that particular hallucination is governed by a certain set of rules see people assume that if it's hallucination that there are no rules and anything goes no why would you assume that a hallucination can have certain rules that you need to follow there's a certain logic to hallucinations like in certain dreams there's a certain logic there you might be getting chased by a monster and in a sense that's crazy and wacky but still there's a certain consistency to your dreams it's chasing you and you're closing doors as you're running away so that means that in your dream you're kind of assuming that monsters can't just walk through doors at least they'd have to bust through them like in the physical world and after all you're assuming that if that monster catches up with you it's gonna eat you and kill you that's why you're running away from it right that's why you're afraid of it otherwise if it didn't kill you then why would you be afraid of it so of course there's a certain kind of logic to your dreamy hallucinations and there's it likewise a certain kind of logic to this hallucination right here there's only certain things I can do I'm bound by the physical rules of this hallucination the problem here is that what I'm saying even though it makes perfect sense is that it's just too radical for you to accept given your paradigm it boggles the materialists mind and there's this phenomenon that I call paradigm block or paradigm blindness which means that when you're inside of your paradigm your paradigm which is composed of the most fundamental assumptions about how you think reality works it limits actually it cripples your imagination your ability to imagine alternative interpretations of reality and it limits what you think is possible within that reality so for example you cannot talk about ghosts with a materialist why not because the materialist paradigm is based on the assumption that everything is material so by definition there cannot be ghosts because ghosts are immaterial so that is precluded by the paradigm now don't get me wrong I'm not saying go surreal I've never seen a ghost personally and I'm not attached to whether they are real or not real I don't really care which is the case I'm making a larger deeper epistemic point here which is that your paradigm limits what you believe is possible or impossible so for a materialist ghosts are impossible if you step outside that paradigm well ghosts might be possible that doesn't mean they're real it just means that they're possible in your paradigm your imagination is also opened up such that you can explore other mechanisms for how certain phenomena can work because when you're under the materialist paradigm certain phenomena are impossible and therefore you're not even going to investigate them you're not even think about them or take them seriously in fact you're gonna laugh you're gonna you ridicule you're gonna judge and criticize based on your paradigm so the interesting thing is is that if ghosts are real let's just say just let's just be crazy here let's just say they're real but that they're rare and that you need to really go out of your way to find one but they're real but you are stuck in the materials paradigm which says that they're not real so can you see the problem here you're never gonna bother to get off your ass to go find one and in fact if someone reports to you that hey I've seen one what are you gonna do you're gonna call them crazy stupid ignorant superstitious whatever else you're not gonna listen to them you're gonna dismiss them out of hand and that's closed mindedness that's the entire problem with paradigms when you're inside a paradigm you can't see outside to consider other paradigms but what is possible is it as possible for you to make a discontinuous jump out of your paradigm into a different paradigm and then look at the world from that perspective and if you do then a lot of things for you can change but the problem is that people get clingy with their paradigms they treat their paradigms like precious little security blankets that they need to hang on to now at this point the materials might say okay leo so you're talking about everything being a hallucination okay but where are these hallucinations occurring in the brain right no of course not there never was a brain the brain itself is a hallucination so again the materials will say but where are these hallucinations taking place in a computer is it a matrix sort of deal are we living in a simulated reality where is it taking place it's not taking place anywhere that's the difficult thing to wrap your mind around what the brain is and also what physical reality is is an extraneous fictitious metaphysical entity identical in nature to the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the way that many people hold God or the way that children hold Santa Claus or the way that science in the past has held certain substances that it posited were necessary to explain physical reality for example if you study the history of science then you will know about substances like luminiferous ether phlogiston caloric and miasma these four substances were legitimate substances that people and sienten telogen scientists took very seriously just a couple hundred years ago they believed that these substances exist why is that because they needed these substances to explain the certain phenomena or appearances that they were seeing out in the world for example luminiferous ether was a substance that was believed to exist just a little bit over a hundred years ago by many scientists it was a substance that was responsible for light propagating through it because back then it didn't make sense to the scientists mind that light could just travel through a vacuum because the way the scientists thought is like but how could light travel through an empty vacuum it makes no sense light since it's a wave like water or Audio waves they need a suffocating like air or water to travel through so light must also need that sort of substance so they posited ether and they believe it there is this thing called ether until more and more scientists we're doing various kinds of experiments and ultimately they they realize you know what guys we don't need ether we don't need this thing called ether to explain light but how does light propagate through FD vacuum it just does we just accept that it does see 200 years ago if you said that people would think you're crazy nowadays if you talk about ether people will think you're crazy same thing goes for phlogiston phlogiston was a substance a few hundred years ago maybe three four hundred years ago that scientists believed in which was responsible supposedly for combustion because scientists didn't understand how to explain combustion the chemical process of igniting air and that the resulting chemicals that came from that co2 and all that and the energy and all that they didn't know how to explain that without again creating this fictitious metaphysical entity called phlogiston and many of them believe in phlogiston until eventually it was decided that you know what guys we don't need phlogiston we can explain combustion just using more ordinary explanations same thing with caloric caloric of course same root word as calorie which was the substance that was supposed to be responsible for the transfer and flow of heat and scientists believed in that substance until it was eventually well it wasn't discovered but it was eventually concluded or agreed upon that we don't need a substance called caloric we can explain heat just simply through the average vibrations of molecules and therefore caloric became superfluous and it was dropped and then there was a substance called miasma this is a really old substance it existed the notion of it existed all the way back to the Greeks and Romans because it was responsible for contagion of diseases so it was pretty obvious to the Greeks and Romans that diseases spread from people to people and there's contagion but they didn't know germ theory they didn't know about viruses and bacteria so they didn't know how this disease spread so their notion was that well there must be something called miasma which was this metaphysical entity which spread disease from person to person but eventually with germ theory that was disproven and found to be unnecessary so why am I talking about all this well because the brain and an external physical reality are identical to either phlogiston caloric and miasma it's just that modern culture hasn't gotten around yet to dropping these fictitious metaphysical entities so consider the following possibility that reality is a hallucination which is not taking place in a brain but rather there is no physical substratum for reality whatsoever because none is needed in the same way that light can propagate through a vacuum without ether because ether is not needed and disease can propagate without miasma because my asthma is not needed because they're fictions they're fictions of the mind now you might say but leo that's crazy that's impossible how could it be that reality is just a free-floating hallucination floating out an empty space somewhere but actually it's very easily possible all you have to do is drop your materialist paradigm drop the assumption that appearances must take place within a physical substratum that is something that you merely assumed was true about reality but after all a deeper investigation we could come to the conclusion where we say you know what that assumption we should drop that assumption because it's not necessary we assumed we needed a physical substance for hallucinations but actually we don't but of course that's easier said than done because you see I am talking to a fundamentalist here when you believe in the materials paradigm you cannot drop it just through sheer willpower you can't it's not enough for you just to hear me talk about this up and say oh yeah okay I agree with you I'm gonna drop all my notions of physical reality as if it was that easy no you can't do that you're a fundamentalist you're not a fundamentalist like in the exactly the same way that a Christian or a Muslim is because the content of your beliefs is different but you are still a fundamentalist because you know what for the Christian his grounding substance is God for the Muslim his grounding substance is Allah and for you your grounding substance is a physical reality with the brain and neurons within which all these appearances are taking place and you are very goddamn adamant about your God see you might think that as a materialist you don't believe in a God and you pride yourself on being an atheist and in fact you you have a little bit of scorn for those people who believe in you know those are silly silly superstitious new-age people superstitions that are thousands of years old but what about your superstitions your God is really no different than their God to a Christian their God is a guy who sits up in the clouds of the white with a white flowing beard to a Muslim well Allah he doesn't really have a form and to some other religious person than their version of God might be something else you know like a Hindu their version of God might be some elephant shaped avatar but for you you don't believe in those kinds of gods but your God is the brain that's your God there's no proof of a brain there's no proof of an external reality you take it completely on blind faith and yet you believe it's so real you see because you're under estimating just how tricky the mind is and the fact that even when you don't want to your mind is almost incapable of not holding an ideological position you hold so many deep ideological positions without knowing it that it's frightening it's frightening to realize that that's the case especially for atheists and scientifically minded people who pride themselves on being open-minded and non-ideological and non superstitious but you see what happens when you don't properly think through your metaphysics very carefully you end up being superstitious all the same just the content of your superstition is different that's it the only reason that you are a materialist is really two reasons one is because first person experience is very consistent for you most of the time and you have never experienced for yourself the breakdown of the consistency of first person experience which is for example what a psychedelic can show you you've never experienced that though so for you because first person appearances feel so consistent there is the illusion of solidity to them and because they feel so orderly and so physically determined like you can't really break the laws of physics that that leads you to believe that that's what the external world must be really like that's an illusion though you can you can shatter that illusion for yourself by by breaking down the consistency of first person experience and you can do that with intense meditation with certain types of breathing exercises you can do it with psychedelics you can do it with sensory deprivation tanks and sorts of things like that or just through self inquiring contemplation you can do that and the second reason your materialist is because you were just born and indoctrinated into the materialist culture of which we are all apart you see all your teachers all your friends your family your co-workers everyone you know on TV everyone you look up to all your role models all your all your professors and pretty much anyone you've ever interacted with has been a materialist without of course knowing that they're a materialist and this is our culture and you've been indoctrinated into materialism exactly the same way that fundamentalist religious people are indoctrinated into fundamentalist religion and so now because you weren't doctored into this from from really the first years of your birth it is hardwired deep into your brain so much that you can't even imagine an alternative anymore you don't even want to imagine an alternative and that's a big problem all right let's do an intermission right here I need a quick break but you don't go anywhere because I'll be right back so let's continue the next objection that the materialist typically has here is that she will ask below how can it work like that how can everything just be a hallucination just appearances without any kind of substrate to ground it all but what you have to realize here is that this is not a valid objection the better question is how can anything work at all that's a really deep mystery how can anything work at all you think that it's absurd just to have appearances without a mechanism behind it but then again what does it mean to say that there is a mechanism that there is some sort of substrate is that any less absurd of a notion so you think that there's a substrate to these appearances but how does a substrate cause the appearances this is the famous mind-body problem you can't solve this problem and anyways even if you could solve that problem you would still have the same problem left over because how do you have a substrate what grounds the substrate how can there just be a substrate see you would need another substrate for the substrate and so on and so on and so on what you have to realize here is that this is not a problem for reality this is a problem for your understanding of reality and that's a very big difference reality itself is not limited to your materialist intuitions just because what I'm saying here sounds weird or maybe absurd well yeah reality is weird and absurd no matter how you slice it it is that way and you see that in every corner of science everything the science investigates see the weirdness and absurdity of nature especially when you get into the very small stuff like quantum mechanics string theory or when you get into the really big stuff like cosmology and the Big Bang and you look at how that is supposed to work according to science and it's it's crazy weird absurd stuff and just 100 years ago when these discoveries were still fresh and being made by Einstein and the people who were working on quantum mechanics and even people that working on cosmological theories today there's all sorts of theories about multiple dimensions multiverses and membranes and brains all sorts of weird stuff like that you look at that all these theories are extremely weird extremely paradoxical extremely counterintuitive and that's okay because as it turns out our intuitions are really only designed to work with everyday life everyday life just living as a human being it's not designed to look at the very small is very large and it's not designed to look at the very fundamental because human minds rarely look in that direction and anyways you have to realize that weirdness and absurdity these are subjective notions and that really the only thing that it says when you say that something is weird and absurd and crazy sounding that's not a measure of truth and that's not a measure of reality and people forget this point that's a measure of how well aligned you are with your culture do you get that point this is a very big point because this misleads a lot of people a lot of very intelligent people even scientifically minded people get misled by this today if I come up here I say that the earth is flat and stationary you would say that I am crazy and that that is just an absurd position to take and yet if you were alive a thousand years ago if I came up to you and I said that the earth is moving through space at hundreds and thousands of kilometers per second the way that we know now you would say that that's absurd and insane because you'd say look around do you feel like you're moving at a hundred miles an hour or a thousand kilometers per second no you don't so just using common sense it says that the earth must be stationary of course it must and that's what common sense said a thousand years ago because that was the cultural norm of the time and so back then it was absurd to claim otherwise and today the cultural norms have shifted as of course they do culture evolves and changes a lot over time it can reverse itself 180 degrees within just a couple hundred years and so now to claim that the earth is flat and stationary that now is absurd and people take this for granted so you can't rely on your notions of weirdness and absurdity to deliver truth to you all that they say is they say are you in alignment with everybody else around you they are a measure of consensus relative consensus among other human beings that you live amongst in this particular era of time in human civilization that's all that means when we're talking about fundamental metaphysical topics like the ultimate nature of reality or the substance of everything if we encounter paradox here this should not be considered a problem or a mistake this should actually be taken as a feature as it must because when you're trying to answer the ultimate chicken and egg problem well yeah that's a paradoxical thing the fact that there is something rather than nothing is a paradoxical thing to explain you should expect that it's going to be tricky to explain that away and it's not just gonna be a simple 1 2 3 ABC ok yeah we've explained all of existence away it's not gonna be quite that simple and also what you should notice is that this problem of what is the ultimate grounding for reality this is not a problem that materialists escaped so what I'm saying when I say that everything is a hallucination I'm saying that there is no grounding for anything there is no ultimate substance for reality it's just appearances appearances within nothingness not appearances within space I'm not saying that and not appearances within time I'm not saying that not appearances within three dimensions or ten dimensions or however many dimensions not appearances within a universe or within a multiverse I'm not saying any of that I'm saying appearances within nothingness and by nothingness I don't mean a vacuum I don't mean empty space and that might seem like that's impossible but consider where do the materialists say existence came from the Big Bang and where's the Big Bang come from well we don't really know there are a few possibilities either it came from nowhere which is exactly what I'm telling you or it came from something else so that's something else that it came from that would also be an appearance and then that thing you would ask where did that come from the thing that caused the Big Bang what caused it again it came from nothing which is what I'm telling you or it came from some other appearance a third appearance and where that would come from so again you see we're going into this infinite regression and so if you're a materialist you might say well yeah leo maybe there is an infinite regression it just keeps going on and on and on and one Big Bang is nested in some other thing and some other thing and some other thing in and we need to do hardcore science to get to the bottom of that and that might very well be the case maybe in a hundred years scientists will find something beyond the Big Bang before the Big Bang which caused the Big Bang and that's that's fine there's no problem there as far as I'm concerned but there is a problem in that even if that's true the material is still don't grasp the significance of what this metaphysics means because when you explain one appearance with other appearance you don't really explain the source of appearances themselves the very nature of appearances are not explained so if there's something outside the Big Bang okay you can give it a name you can call it something you can take a photograph of it okay maybe there's something else beyond that okay you can take a photograph of that too or give it a name but that explains nothing about where all of it came from or what all of it is because all of it is happening right now so ultimately when you say that there's an infinite regress of appears as causing appearances you're saying the exact same thing that I'm saying which is that all you've got are appearance an infinite hallucination that's what I'm saying you've got an infinite hallucination all of it grounded in what in nothing it's not even grounded in time and in space because those things are things and where they come from you have to wonder so the materialist doesn't escape what I'm saying here the materialist is just ignorant of these consequences and ramifications because the materials doesn't seriously think about these things like we're doing here now here's another objection and it's a very important one the materials will say Billy Oh aha I got you to look at this what about brain damage what if we take a person and we take a hammer and we hit him over the skull with a hammer and that look look what's gonna happen that's gonna affect the way he thinks that's gonna damage his brain that's gonna maybe damage his visual cortex he's not gonna be able to see straight maybe he's gonna bleed to death and to die and all the appearances that he sees all these first-person appearances leo that you say are are the only thing there is they're all gonna change so doesn't that prove right there that damaging the brain changes all the appearances so that tells us right that the brain causes them all and that they are occurring inside the brain except let's look at this very carefully because it doesn't prove that at all and I agree with you that if you take the brain and you hit it with a hammer you will damage it and that will affect how appearances appear but notice what this does and doesn't demonstrate what it does not demonstrate is that appearances are happening in the brain what it does demonstrate is that the brain being an appearance can be affected by a hammer which is how their peer so one hammer effects another brain appears affecting appearance which then effects other appearances that's right because when all you have are appearances all of reality is is just a infinite collection of appearances then it's a self interactive system appearances affect and interact with other appearances of course they do that's reality that doesn't prove that appearances are happening inside of a brain or inside of a external physical world reality is a self interactive system it must interact with itself because reality means everything that there is which means that there's nothing else beyond reality which means that it can only interact with itself because it has nothing to else to interact with you see and this is exactly what science is an agreement about science will tell you that if you take one billiard ball and you hit another billiard ball they will bounce off and stuff will happen what's going on there what's going on there is that you have one ball that's one appearance you have a second ball second appearance they hit each other they collide that's another appearance and then after the collision appearances change and then they bounce off and stuff happens and so on or if you want to look at the microscopic level you can say that there are atoms and electrons and protons and they're orbiting each other so what's going on there it's an appearance an electron and a proton two appearances interacting with each other of course yeah it's a self interactive system that's what we're saying and the brain is part of that system so of course your brain affects perceptions of course it does your brain is not irrelevant I've never said the brain was irrelevant it's highly relevant and important and you want to make sure you keep your brain safe don't play football or something like that or don't do MMA fighting but that doesn't mean the appears that are happening in your brain it just means that the brain is one very significant appearance which effects other appearances which is why you want to keep it safe so there's no contradiction there and another example you might want to cite to prove me wrong as you might say well Leo what if I get drunk you know if I get drunk or I take some psychotropic drugs really strong ones that's gonna affect how I see everything colors might change objects might change stuff gets weird and wavy and wonky so doesn't that prove that all these appears are happening in the brain no not at all because you drink a bottle of hard liquor that's an appearance it goes it interacts with your neurons in the brain that's also an appearance and it changes what you're seeing also in appearance because appearances interact with each other sometimes it's very complicated and Inter woven sort of ways but that does not prove that all this is happening in a brain now you might say well leo why did the brain evolve then well the brain precisely evolved because the brain is very important for generating the very rich kind of appearances that you're experiencing if you're a human being human consciousness is a very rich thing if we compare it to the consciousness of an ant or a sea slug or a tree we can imagine that the human consciousness is much more robust and and rich and complex and therefore our brains must be more convoluted and complex have a lot more neural circuitry in there and so forth because you need that level of sort of self interaction very complicated self interaction to then generate all these colors that you see all these emotions that you experience your rational faculties ability to do mathematics which a snail supposedly can't do right so yeah for that you need a pretty big brain and it evolved precisely because that's what allows you to see everything that you're seeing here so I'm not contradicting anything there but that still doesn't prove that there is a brain yes there's neurons doing stuff there but the neurons themselves are an appearance they are not inside of a brain do you see that that's important Polly oh this is starting to sound like magic that's because reality actually is magic and a lot of people misunderstand this what I mean when I say that reality is magic is that the fact of existence itself is a mechanical and uncaused and mystical people have a really hard time understanding this what I'm saying is that everything you're experiencing right now is happening right here there is no mechanism behind the scenes which is generating all this this is the mechanism and you might wonder well how can reality possibly do that but the better question is what would prevent it from doing that reality being unlimited can take the most direct route the shortest possible route to whatever it wants to do which means direct manifestation or magic it's not limited by the laws of physics people really don't understand this they tend to think that physics applies to reality as a whole that's not true at all physics applies to a local portion of what we call physical reality a good analogy for this is the way that government works you see you can set up a government and the government can have laws now those laws apply to everything that goes on within the government but those laws do not apply outside of the government you see that so you could make a law against slavery and theft and murder and all this sort of stuff and those are all good laws to have but nothing is preventing the government from creating whatever other kind of laws it might want it can create the opposite laws you see nothing prevents that so while the government has the power to enforce laws on you there is no authority above the government to enforce laws on itself other than perhaps other governments that it might fight with but outside of all the different governments that exist anything goes you can literally come up with any laws you want for a government and try to make it work now of course not all of them will work as well as certain other combinations but it just goes to show you that the physical laws that we take is just the only way reality can be those don't apply to metaphysical issues which is what we're talking about here so while in the physical world we have limits like conservation of energy conservation of momentum certain limits within gravitation within electromagnetism and so on that doesn't apply to the fact of existence itself see these are two separate issues that we're talking about what I'm talking about here is in no way in conflict with the basic laws of physics I'm not contradicting that those are all still in play nothing wrong with those but what science doesn't really tackle is the metaphysical question of being itself this right here being being itself right here what is it and where does it come from what is it grounded in well what I'm telling you is that it's a hallucination and that it happens literally through magic but still the materialist hates this idea of magic the materials will say but Leo why should we resort to magical thinking this seems like a step backwards after all human beings for thousands of years have gone to magical thinking to help them to explain all sorts of mysterious natural phenomena like lightning bolts earthquakes volcanoes comets famines and floods and plagues and also this sort of stuff and then with science science progressed and ultimately we figured that stuff out and now we have mechanical naturalistic explanations to account for all that so doesn't that prove that magical thinking is uh is unnecessary why don't we give science more time to do its job give it time to to collide more particles and also to send out more satellites take photographs scan the galaxies and all this sort of stuff and maybe ultimately we can scientifically put together a mechanical picture for how all of existence came into being and what I'm saying is that that's not gonna work because these are two separate issues yes you can explain a physical phenomena like lightning bolts or volcanoes using science you can explain it mechanically and that's all well and good but what you need to understand is that just because you explain the mechanics of a lightning bolt perfectly does not mean that you've explained the being or fact that there is a lightning bolt at all that question is never addressed because it's taken for granted and also because science doesn't do that that's not what science is about the activity of science is about using one appearance to explain another appearance it's about taking one appearance and analyzing it or breaking it down into its sub component appearances but in doing that you don't explain the fact of appearances themselves and so therefore what I'm claiming here is that if science keeps working diligently for the next million years studying the galaxies and studying the subatomic particles and all that it can explain a lot of stuff it will discover more and more and more appearances in fact it will discover an infinite number of appear a never-ending supply of appearances appearances within appearances within appearances within appearances millions and billions and trillions of them but no matter how much it Maps all those out categorizes them labels them and explores them and calculates them it might get very good at predicting what's gonna happen next as far as which appears it's gonna cause which other appears to do what but it will never ever ever touch the question of the substance and the fact of the being of the appearance do you get that because science is not in the business of answering metaphysical questions and in fact any good scientist will admit this and he will say yeah Leo you're right science has abandoned metaphysics centuries ago because we found that it wasn't useful signs is a pragmatic activity what we are concerned about is we are concerned about exploring empirical data making calculations making predictions and that's all there is to science the metaphysical questions we live that we leave that to philosophers and we live that to theologians but see here's the mistake with doing that yes that can work if all you care about is making predictions but what the scientist does understand is that when you're doing science you're still making metaphysical assumptions you're not doing science metaphysics free when you're ignoring the metaphysics all that you're doing is that you're just accepting the de facto default metaphysics of your culture which is in this case materialism you just take it for granted and you think that that's not going to be a problem because it couldn't be any other way except what I'm telling you is that it could be some other way and in fact it is some other way and so eventually what you'll discover is that your metaphysics is not gonna hold water and that's all actually already been discovered within feels like quantum mechanics and cosmology you can clearly see that materialism breaks down add these at these peripheries of science as it must because it's impossible to actually escape the magic of reality magical thinking is actually inescapable to explain the origin of reality because there must always be at least one mystical source so for example consider the Big Bang the way science addresses this issue is they just say well there is the Big Bang and beyond that we don't know but that's the one mystical source that I'm talking about see you give science one mystical source and they can explain everything else well you give me one mystical source and I can explain everything as well - you always will need this mystical source science will never be able to do away with this mystical source because if they find something outside the Big Bang like we already said well that new thing will then become the new one mystical source but here's what I'm telling you I'm telling you that this whole game of of chasing down Big Bang after Big Bang after Big Bang misses the point the point is to realize that being itself right here this is the mechanism itself so rather than thinking that there's some number-crunching going on behind the scenes of the universe there's no number-crunching I want you to consider the following radical alternative is that the mechanism of appearances is completely and directly open to you nothing is hidden behind the scenes this is it what you see is the mechanism the mechanism is direct manifestation there's no like going from A to B to C it's just a to a a is a and therefore it is and here you're conscious of it there is no process of going from a thing existing and then you being conscious of these are not two things these are identical so what you're seeing here right now all around you this is the actual mechanism of reality you're inside the mechanism you literally are the mechanism therefore you cannot explain the mechanism by citing other appearances because every other appearance you sight misses the fact of the direct manifestation of appearances in the first place you're missing the directness of it so when science goes around explaining one thing in terms of another notice it always has to be that way because that's the only way that an explanation can even happen an explanation is one appearance followed by a second appearance in close conjunction that creates an explanation but here is where language and symbolism breaks down here's where concepts break down what you need to do is you need to become directly conscious of the fact that an explanation is just a couple of symbols closely associated with each other and what are those but just appearances and what are appearance as well that's where you need to become directly conscious that they are just a direct manifestation pure magic mysticism is actually the simplest explanation of reality talk about Occam's razor you want Occam's razor here's it here it is it's mysticism it's magic it's direct manifestation there's no external reality there's no brain there's no atoms there's no quarks there's none of that [ __ ] because none of it is necessary because reality is unlimited so why would it need that it goes straight for what it wants and it gets it because it's unlimited since there is only one thing in existence reality it is its own source it must be because there's nothing else that could be a sown source there's this misguided desire amongst intelligent scientific and materialistically minded people to demystify nature but this is a problem it's a problem if it turns out that nature is irreducibly mystical see here's a problem for the materialist is that the materialist never actually bothered to ask the question wait a minute is reality mystical or non mystical hmm let me actually explore the answer to that question it never happened that way but actually that's an empirical question because when you're born you don't know anything about reality and you certainly don't know whether it's mystical or non mystical you don't know so what's required is for you to undertake a very open and honest investigation into answering that question but that's not what the materialist does the materialist just assumes that there cannot be anything mystical and so therefore anything mystical that he encounters he either rejects as being a fiction or he says well surely we can demystify it and break it all down reduce it down to mechanical phenomena and that's the disease of materialism is because of course you can if you want you can take everything mystical and you can explain it in terms of appearances but then you're missing the fact of its being which is exactly the tragedy of science is that science explains a lot of stuff but it doesn't get the essence of the being of a thing it's a it's a very circular kind of logic vicious circle it begs the question in a sense that you know if we had a scientist and I showed him an elephant but this side just had a paradigm in which elephants could not exist so I would show him it itself and I would say look there's an elephant the scientists would look at and say oh that can't be an elephant that must be something else and I say no but look it's clearly an elephant and he looks at he's like hmm no it's not an elephant because elephants don't exist that's a horse but why are you calling it a horse it's an elephant no you can't call an elephant cause elephants don't exist but shouldn't you think the other way around shouldn't you like first ask yourself wait a minute do elephants exist or not and then base your worldview on that rather than first have your world view that there are no elephants and then go out there and then try to disprove it you see so the scientists will bend over backwards to call the elephant a horse no matter what because in his mind elephants can't exist I mean it's preposterous but this is exactly what happens with materialism you tell or show a materialist a mystical phenomena which is by the way every single phenomenon that there is every single phenomenon is a mystical phenomena you show that to a materialist and he says no there's nothing mystical here leo there's nothing mystical about reality none of this stuff is mystical it's all just mechanical I mean it's the most absurd it's the most absurd logically there could possibly be it's beyond absurd because what's required to to achieve that in your mind is it require it requires you to deny being you actually have to be ignorant of the the very essence of reality itself in favor of symbolizing and conceptualizing reality so the problem with demystifying nature is that you lose touch with being and then your life suffers from that it suffers a lot and also you don't understand where the being came from you're mystified by it ironically because you're denying it you're in denial about it you don't want to admit it because for the materialist paradigm there is no such thing as magic that's an athame to that paradigm those two cannot coexist from the materialist paradigm all magic must be done away with it must somehow be denied and so the materialist is forever in this game of denial about the very essence of reality and therefore he must always be out of touch with the very essence of his own existence and therefore he's gonna suffer from that and that's why this whole material paradigm is such a big problem now the materials will object here and he'll say but Leo aren't you just playing word games I mean what does it matter if you call it an appearance a first-person experience or a third-person objective experience or you call it an elephant a horse what does it matter these are all word games sure you could say it's material or immaterial who really cares it makes no difference right wrong it makes a huge difference because to buy into this materialist metaphysics your straitjacket in yourself this metaphysics is very rigid it excludes the possibility for many things and it creates closed mindedness which prevents you from exploring the many interesting facets of life that are beyond the gross material facets beyond the gross mature facets Leo what could there be there's nothing beyond the gross material facets precisely because you're stuck in that paradigm that's exactly what I'm saying that's the whole problem is that the only thing you know of reality is the gross material level you don't acknowledge us a more subtle level you don't acknowledge immaterial levels it's actually quite silly because everything is immaterial that's what it means to say that everything is a hallucination everything is immaterial so there really aren't material levels immaterial levels no there's just everything is immaterial and this is not merely a word game because here I'll give you some examples if I start talking to a materialist about things like past lives out-of-body experiences paranormal paranormal yogic powers aliens spirits and ghosts and immortality just to name a few if I start talking about these topics the materialist will think I'm crazy they will think that this is nonsense and now it's important you understand that I'm not saying that these things are true per se for example I've never experienced aliens or ghosts myself so I wouldn't know their crew not that's not the issue here don't get hung up on that what I'm saying is that from this rigid materialist metaphysics you cannot honestly and objectively explore these topics or even listen to a person talking about them because they're gonna actually piss you off make you emotional make you angry make you heated you will name call these people you will call me a New Age hack or some kook or some woowoo guy or whatever when I start talking to you about these topics that's right because from the materialist metaphysics none of these topics are possible and none of them make any sense so the only way you can explain these things from within the materials paradigm is to call the people that talk about these things crazy nut cases and that does you a great disservice because in point of fact you don't know the nature of these topics and you've never seriously explored them because you were never open to them in the first place now the material of course hearsay Valeo I don't want to be open to such nonsense are you [ __ ] serious ghosts aliens what's next Bigfoot you want me to seriously be open to this stuff that's a waste of my time I don't want to hear that [ __ ] what I want is I just want practical straightforward down-to-earth factual self-help information that's what I want none of that other nonsense but see the whole problem is that you don't know that it's nonsense you assume that it's nonsense but that is an empirical question whether these things are nonsense or not and if you ever want to really find out you have to undertake an honest very open investigation you have to be willing to read the books listen to the right people do the practices do the experiments you can't do any of that stuff if your mind is closed because you think the stuff is nonsense but leo this is dangerous don't you see how dangerous it is what you're advocating this is a slippery slope because what you're doing is you're you're opening the floodgates for superstition and we know how dangerous that's been throughout history how many millions of people have died from all sorts of crazy superstitious religions and cults and governments and conspiracy theories and ideologies and now what you're doing is you're just opening up the floodgates but notice that this is a fear-based objection that you have when you make an objection like this you're not really concerned about the truth what you're concerned about is believing something false and I hear you that's a legitimate fear is very easy to believe something false but that's not what I'm telling you to do I'm telling you to open yourself up which is not the same thing as saying you should believe every goddamn thing you hear gullibly like a fool it's actually the exact opposite when you're open you don't take any position on anything you're free you can move from one paradigm to another paradigm freely without problems without getting emotional about it without getting clingy not getting ideological without getting offended without having to go crusade and kill other people in this process our ultimate commitment must be to the truth not reaction against fears and actually counter-intuitively you know those people who are the dangerous ones who kill people over silly beliefs those aren't the open-minded people those are the closed-minded people those are the people that are locked into paradigms those are the people that are certain that they have the truth like you those are the people who are certain that they know what nonsense looks like like you so when they hear a new scientific theory they reject it as nonsense when they hear someone threatening their religion they reject it as nonsense when they hear someone threatening some theory they have or some some new theory that came out then they reject that as nonsense which is exactly what you're doing and what I'm trying to help you to stop doing but first you have to see that you actually have a lot more in common with those dogmatic ideological zealots then you like to tell yourself the problem here is that the biggest lie that materialists and scientists and rationalists tell themselves and also atheists is that they tell themselves that they are above and superior to all the other superstitious people but the danger in doing that is that you ignore your own superstitions and so now what you're seeing with this discussion is that I'm turning the tables on you and I'm lumping you with all those people who you have despised who you have scorned because in truth you have a lot in common with them in truth your materialism is your religion which is why you're so goddamn insistent about it and which is why we just hope to spend all these hours talking about it because no matter how long I talk about it you still don't get it you still don't want to put your ideology down it still doesn't compute in your head you still have all those excuses and all those judgments and in the end you're very likely to say after hearing all this you know but leo yeah maybe some of this stuff makes sort of sense in theory but I just don't buy it I mean it sounds like you're just trying to seek God and religion and mysticism into science that's what you're doing here isn't it I can certainly appreciate that it seems that way from your perspective from within the materialist paradigm that's exactly how it looks but what I'm telling you is that there is an alternative you can exit that paradigm you can recognize that materialism is a virus of your mind and you can go about extracting it and leaving it and seeing what results when you do and that's an amazing thing you will be shocked at how liberating it feels to exit that paradigm it's like leaving a jail cell that you've lived in your entire life and discovering what's out in the real world and there's some amazing stuff there and the benefit to you will not just be intellectual you will not only just be closer to truth but you'll have many advantages to your personal development you'll have many advantages to your ability to comprehend and practice spirituality to do self inquiry and to experience some of the advanced subtle immaterial truths which your current paradigm completely denies and cannot make sense of you will actually be able to easily make sense of them and you will have some incredibly profound direct experiences of crazy things that materials culture thinks are impossible yet they are possible because you can go and experience them you just haven't because you've been so locked in by your paradigm so in conclusion what I want you to do from all this information is I want you to sit down and I want you to question materialism to death through self inquiry and contemplation actually think through the logic of your own metaphysics until you can see how it is self-defeating how it doesn't make sense how you're not recognizing the full ramifications of your own metaphysics do that and that's some of the most powerful personal development work you can do right there the results might not be immediate because your mind is so stuck to your paradigm that it might take you years to break out of it it's taken me decades I've been thinking about this stuff for decades and just recently I've been starting to break out it's been feeling amazing and what I'm saying here is that you can actually discover that the materials paradigm is wrong I'm not telling you to believe me and to accept this on faith I'm telling you to go discover that it's wrong because it is and stop believing that there are brains and that all of this is happening in a brain somewhere this is really holding you back because so long as you believe that you're not actually opening yourself up to the mystical nature of all of existence when you drop the brain God then you're suddenly open to the reality that all of this is nothingness a hallucination with a nothingness and then reality becomes much more interesting it becomes much more beautiful much more profound than when you lie to yourself telling yourself all this is just happening in a brain some neuron somewhere no there are no brains drop that idea from your worldview stop identifying with being a brain if you take a psychedelic don't think of it as a thing that you're doing to your brain it's got nothing to do with brains but that's something I really want you to discover for yourself all right that's the end here please remember to click that like button for me come check out actualized org check out my blog check out the forum check out my life purpose course check out my book list there are a lot of books on my book list in various different categories that I have there which will help you a lot to fix this particular problem here about the materialist paradigm so go check those out start reading that's going to be a good way to jump start your own contemplations and then just stay tuned with actualized org every single week stay tuned and watch me become enlightened it's already starting to happen it's going to happen on camera you're gonna see the transformation in me over the next year or two or three however long the process takes it's not just gonna be a split second thing it's gonna be a process and I can already feel that the process is started and lately just recently I've broken through some barriers and I feel like I mean you can already see hopefully the transformation that I've personally been going through as I've been shooting these videos for the last three or four years just compare my video from today to what it was like a year ago or two years ago they're pretty different but that's just gonna keep accelerating and accelerating and accelerating and one of the things that I'm excited about with actualizado org which is really the intent of it from the very beginning is that I wanted to actually document my enlightenment as it happens because I think that this is a pretty rare thing I don't know of any place where you can go and you actually see videos of someone becoming gradually enlightened over the course of let's say 5 years it's hard to see that usually when you see enlightened masters they got enlightened in a cave somewhere back in the 1970s and now they're old men and they're sitting up there on the on a pedestal and they're lecturing at you as though there's some sort of guru and I mean nothing wrong with that you can get some great insights from them but you didn't actually see them going through the process there's something cool about seeing somebody actually going through the process eating their own dog food I'm following my own advice I'm I'm doing all these techniques and and I'm having all these insights that I'm sharing with you then I'm thinking about them myself doing it myself applying it in my own life and then you should start to see the transformation in me you'll start to see how I carry myself differently how I think differently my beliefs changing my paradigms changing you're gonna see my personality changing my emotions changing my eye contact changing my voice change and everything's gonna be changing well within 5 years I'm gonna be a completely different person you're probably not even gonna be able to relate to me anymore if you're actually not following along and doing some of the work if you're just sitting back and watching I mean that can be interesting I guess but you should start doing the work because I'm telling you I'm gonna quickly outgrow you and the things that I'm gonna be talking about in three or five years are gonna be so mind-blowing that they're gonna be outside of your paradigm completely and that's one of the whole dangers of being locked into a paradigm is that then you're you're really not able to listen to advanced teachings anymore because the advanced teachings will sound like the ravings of a lunatic and you know what I know that to some of you that's already happened I know that many people have already unsubscribed from my channel and stopped watching actualized org because what's happened to me over the last three or four years a pretty big transition from just doing more ordinary personal development and self-help type stuff and relationship advice and stuff like that to now doing more non-duality type of advice and it's like for some people sickly Oh what are you smoking this stuff is not gonna help my life how is this gonna help me I just want to get laid I want to earn some money and you're talking about some non-duality [ __ ] who cares about this sort of stuff who cares about paradigms who cares about brains none of this stuff matters I'm just depressed I just want to cure my depression you see but the reason I mean I get you and you can go and you can find advice that will that will suit that low level of consciousness but you see advice has to be tailored to the level of consciousness of the person listening to it and when you're down here and the teacher is up here there's too big of a disconnect so if you like this stuff and you like actualize org and you want to keep liking it then start eating actions start growing with me and then also just sit back and watch my own enlightenment see how it's happening and hopefully that encourages you hopefully that inspires you hopefully that'll a some of your fears about how this process works and just proves to you that it's possible for an ordinary guy to do it and then that means it's possible for you too so make sure you stick around to watch that unfold you